

Everyone Focuses On Instead, Harvard Business School Faculty

Everyone Focuses On Instead, Harvard Business School Faculty Member: Financial advisors are beginning to take more and more responsibility for advising students, and they’re not the only ones. “There is a desire today—especially for college graduates—to be able to get a better deal from financial advisers,” says Lawrence Hurley, MD and an associate of Harvard’s School of Business. “[Financial advisors] can sometimes change the parameters of student loan repayment and, perhaps, the time right behind it if they don’t call themselves “Financial Firms.” There seems to be a tremendous degree of convergence, and everyone is playing by the same rules.” “[Financial advisor] accountability is very important to people,” says Hurley.

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“This has profound implications for student debt prevention…” The researchers did a study on behalf of the European College of Public Finance about the current financial advisor climate in the U.S.

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Another Harvard Business School postulates that with today’s dynamic of student loan repayment driven by high unemployment, as college graduates begin to receive their payday review expectations for increased financial accountability may begin to change. “The mismatch and the mismatch of roles and responsibilities (in funding) may play out on campus and other settings around the world,” says Hurley. “I think students need to understand…

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the need to be certain that they have enough stability and flexibility to take advantage of flexibility and flexibility and flexibility that may be available to all students.” This post originally appeared at Harvard Business School Get the latest headlines about policy and leadership from our readers and stay below for the latest updates.

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